Honoring those who light our way! Happy Guru Purnima - Skill Shiksha
SkillShiksha South campus Guru Purnima

Honoring those who light our way! Happy Guru Purnima

Always Celebrated on the full moon day of Ashadha month, this occasion is specifically dedicated to all Gurus, who not only provide us with academic knowledge, but also the spiritual knowledge, ethical norms, and moral values, that are necessary to become a good human being.

गुरू ब्रह्मा गुरू विष्णु, गुरु देवो महेश्वरा गुरु साक्षात परब्रह्म, तस्मै श्री गुरुवे नम: 

This Shloka depicts a guru as Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva’s representative who creates, sustains, and eradicates ignorance.

The expression “GURU” is acquired from the two Sanskrit words, Gu, which means, Darkness, and Ru, which means removal of fears and doubts. Hence, a Guru can be expressed as an individual, who removes the darkness, fears, and doubts of others. Guru Purnima is all about honoring our teachers, who illuminate our path to wisdom and success. 

Guru Purnima Celebrations

Always Celebrated on the full moon day of Ashadha month, this occasion is specifically dedicated to all Gurus, who not only provide us with academic knowledge, but also the spiritual knowledge, ethical norms, and moral values, that are necessary to become a good human being.

Guru Purnima is celebrated with numerous rituals and customs which are different among various places and communities but the essence will always remain the same, and that is, showing gratitude towards all the gurus and seeking their blessings. It is a heritage, where, all the students (shishya) acknowledge the enormous debt that they owe to their teachers, or leaders (Gurus), for their knowledge and guidance.

Various spiritual teachings can be found in all religions and cultures that signify the importance of a GURU in our lives. According to Hinduism, Lord Shiva shared his wisdom with people on this day, making him the first teacher. It is also referred to as Vyasa Purnima, for it marks the birthday of Ved Vyasa, and on this day, Vyas Ji shared the teachings of Vedas to his four learners.

Irrespective of any culture, or religion, Guru Purnima is celebrated all over the world. It goes beyond social and religious boundaries and celebrated with enthusiasm. 

In the Digital era, ceremonies, cultural programs, and speeches are quite common, where learners express their appreciation and respect.


We are celebrating Guru Purnima at Skill Shiksha, the South Campus branch where we are committed to providing you with the best Digital Marketing Course and Graphic designing course. Our courses will not only provide you with the latest curriculum, but also provide in-depth practical knowledge, from experienced trainers.

We are of the opinion that Education is something which makes us civilized, and gives us power to decide what is right or wrong. With our empowering Course, our intentions and goals are to inculcate all the necessary skills that ultimately help you to get your career on track. We believe that behind every successful student, there is always the best GURU, who not only provides academic knowledge but also directs our life in a positive direction. 

On the auspicious occasion of Guru Purnima, let us seek the blessings of all our Gurus who impart their knowledge and expertise.

Happy Guru Purnima to all!!!

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