Most people are becoming aware of the fact that Data Scientist is emerging as a new trend in
current times and also for the future. It has become an international phenomenon now and will
continue to be like that only for a long period of time, that’s for sure.
Although a lot of people have started to understand the importance of data science and the enormous career growth it
brings with it, they are still not aware of the skills employers look for when they look forward to
hiring data scientists.
That is the only reason we have written this blog: to inform you of the skills
and talents employers look for in their company’s next data scientist. Read the blog completely
to be informed of everything.
What do employers understand by Data Scientists?
In today’s world, data science is a crucial skill to have. If you are already a data scientists, then
the chances are you have made up your own definition of the term”data science” based on your
own knowledge, experience, and expertise in the domain.
But what you need to understand here is that it does not matter what your definition of the term
“data science” or “data scientist” is, you must get out of your own shoes and get into your
employer’s shoes.
There are higher chances that the employer you have chosen to work for does not have any
detailed information about the job role of a data scientists.
Mostly what they look for while hiring a Data Scientist is the four major
skills mentioned below:
a) Mathematical and Statistical Capabilities
b) Knowledge of Data Science-Related Programming Languages
c) Thorough knowledge of the industry in which you intend to work as a Data Scientist
d) Good communication and presentation skills to present the company’s ideas and
future growth opportunities in a compelling and persuasive manner.
Your career path will be heavily dependent on your expertise in either of the first two skills
mentioned above.
For example, if you have coding and programming skills, you will most likely end up working for
a technology startup or an established tech company.
On the other hand, if your expertise is in solving mathematical queries and statistical equations,
you are more likely to work in a university of research, a research-based center, or at any
institution or organization as a researcher for future trends.
Required Data Scientists Skills in Detail
Programming Skills in Data Science Related Languages
Programming skills are the first thing employers look for in their data science candidates. They
want a person with the best programming and coding skills so that he/she can efficiently play
with the data for the company’s growth.
After reading this, kindly don’t presume that you need to learn every language that is present in
the world to become a skilled data scientist.
Unlike other fields, data science is a field that needs your mastery of just a few programming
languages. The top two languages that you need to focus on are Python and R.
(We have top trainers of Python and R for Data Science in our institute.
Call us at +91-8750505131 to book a free demo class.)
If you are determined to make a career in the data science field as a data scientist, make sure
to put your focus on Python and R programming skills, as they are the two that will be the most
useful in extracting and validating the data for the company’s purposes.
Educational Background
Well, when data science was just introduced, employers and hiring managers thought that they
would only hire people from top colleges and universities who had excelled in mathematics and
statistics for their organization.
And they did exactly that. In earlier times, when data science was a new and unexplored field,
people were bound to think that way only.
The reason for this is that “data scientist” includes the term “data scientist” and employers at the
time believed that if he was a “data scientist” he needed to be a graduate of a prestigious university
as well as an expert in statistics and mathematics.
They did not realize that, apart from statistics and mathematics, he needed to be an expert
programmer as well to study the relevant data and predict upcoming trends.
This conventional thinking is still present in today’s times in some places, but today more and
more people have started to ignore this myth as they have started to realize that data science
requires more of a skill and less of a degree as data scientists possess many skills, not just one.
Therefore, fortunately, in today’s times, what you primarily need as a data scientist is a skill and
expertise using which you could benefit the company you choose to work for, and the degree
and certificates are secondary.
Communication and Presentation Skills
Just because we are talking about this in the last sentence does not mean it is of any lesser
importance. As a fact of the matter, if we put it simply, communication and presentation skills
are equally as important as hard skills like Python and R, if not more.
The reason this is so important is due to two major reasons. The first is because Data Science
is a complex field and understanding the conclusion of the Data Science results requires an
understanding of the technical aspects of the Data Science field.
A data scientist with great communication and presentation skills will effectively communicate
the stats and results he has come up with in a simple and easy-to-understand manner.
The second reason why communication and presentation skills are essentially required is that
sometimes, while in a meeting with the board of directors, as the company’s data scientist, you
have to convince them of changing the product or service with a newly added feature or of
introducing an entirely new product, and if your communication skills are not strong, you as a
the data scientists will hardly be able to do that.
We hope that after reading this blog post, all your queries and doubts regarding the skills
required by a data scientist have been cleared. Additionally, you must have realized that you do
not need to be a university graduate to become a data scientist. You can become a data
scientist even by pursuing a short-term course that will give you all the skills you need to become a data scientist in just 6 months.
Call us at +91 8750505131, to join our Online Data Science Course.